Thursday, March 13, 2008

Look Out


Doing my best Nick Nolte mugshot impression.
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Friday, March 7, 2008

Borrowed Bumbo

Mr. Jim and Mrs. Jean have let me borrow a bumbo.

I like to sit in it and ponder my navel. And that's not just a pun. I actually stare at my belly button and toes and wonder...why do I have these? Not that I'm complaining.

Here I have been caught staring at my toes, telling them, "Be strong. Be swift. Be as deadly as JCVD."

This Bumbo thing rocks. Now I've got one up on the Waakabee. He never had a Bumbo. That's because he's dumb-o. What a terrible joke.

Oh well. Back to my coffee and paper. By the way, Ziggy comics are so lame. Who reads these?