Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dinner time!

Eating healthy starts early in our household. You'll note the nutritious dinner prepared for me:

1. Flour tortilla
2. Shredded Cheese
3. Taco meat
4. Chocolate chips

Yum! I can feel myself getting bigger, stronger, more diabetic by the minute. Thanks, dad!
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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Walking like a Champ

These days it's hard to catch a hold of the Coop. That's because I'm cruising around town on my OWN TWO LEGS. That's right. I'm walking. And I'm getting better everyday. My next step (no pun intended) is to learn to run, so I can chase down that whiny baby Waakabee. Until now, he's been able to strike and retreat, to taunt and flee with impunity. Soon that will all change.

After running I will learn to give a good JCVD roundhouse. That'll keep someone I know from eating my goldfish snacks without asking.
